dint really mug and get those shitty facts into my mind the night b4.
just roughly flipped and scanned through.
wanted to wake up earlier in the morning the next day to continue.
kept snoozing my alarm, end up woke up at 10.45am.
comped till 12pm. then realise i haven start studying.
hurry mugg a l'll.
went prepare and went to sch.
i think i screwed the paper lah.
but i think shld at least be able to pass? I HOPE. =p
went off to meet reb.
i waited for her like for dunno how long again.
went to taka.
shopped arnd the 10th toys' fair.
got this. 
dont u ppl think this flip flop is damn cute! kawaii ne! hello kitty we love!
i think it will be damn cool if i wear it to sch.
i will grow guts one day.
went to eat ljs.
we made new friends! first time ppl think we are nice and made friends with us man!
and this is what they gave us! hahaha! the present we received frm stranger.
how many of you ppl encounter that b4!
and to think we actually commented alot on them and they dint know.
and i swear he said its a nice day with us okie reb!
anyway they are really damn yo yo yo lah. hahaha.
they got this damn sincere smile which looks exactly like this =)
went to take prints.
and i swear they are unique!
the patterns, their frames and their backgrounds! all are above average!
can take more the next time (provided im loaded)
went to our regular hangout.
galibe and friends.
got my blackcurrent tea freeze again.
and we chat there, using my laptop.
went home at arnd 11.15pm.
im dead beat lah.
my leg is aching like hell.
on a random note:
i bet my life is complete with you. (complete ; completely ruined)